Testimonials - Page 6
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I Believe: When What You Believe Matters

"I Believe is one of those special books to be experienced and contemplated not just read and the information recorded. Enjoy the journey . . . I did."
~ Lindsay Wagner , actress

"I have begun a journey, which led me to your books. Presently reading I Believe. I must thank you for not only the literature, but also breathing new life into my faith. Please allow me to explain. This journey has led me to many different authors, sages, movies, recordings and the like. Each is entertaining, informative and appropriate for the period in which it comes into my awareness. However, lately, I have been drawing blanks. Unmotivated, uninterested and ultimately, unplugged from this ongoing situation which I found oh so enthralling just a short time ago. Then, as seems to be the pattern in my life, someone, something or some circumstance brings a new, albeit unaware mentor onto my path. Your works, points of view and understandings fall into what I need to know next."
~ R.B.
Satisfaction / Customer Service
"I consider myself very fortunate that I was told about Progressive Awareness Research. It does wonders, or properly said the programs it has do wonders. Dr. Taylor, very respectfully, I will never be able to praise you enough. You create wonders for one with the programs you create. One gets the right program and magic happens for one. Your wife, Ravinder, is fantastic. Any time I ask her what title she recommends to improve on something or overcome something, she always recommends the proper title."
~ S.M.
"LOVE my healing CD and guess what . . . my dog is RIGHT THERE with me as soon as she sees me get comfortable and put it on! She gets anxiety. I believe it helps her too. They're great for everyone."
~ JoAnn Denk Finger
I Believe: When What You Believe Matters!
"I believe! 52 and still kinda hot -- hahaha! -- after listening for many years!"
~ Lisa McCourt, Boca Raton, FL
Quality Subliminals
"I have no doubt they work. I can literally feel the effects. I also know it is very possible to turn back the clock of aging with various methods. Quality subliminal messages are one of the key components. These programs are patented and double blind clinically tested in major universities such as Stanford. That is a major reason why I trust them. Also, I know they work because I can feel the effects."
~ Mike Edwards, Nashville, TN
On Fire With a Passion For Life / Forever Young Album
"On Fire With a Passion For Life and Forever Young—love it, bouncy music with subliminals etc. I listen to it while on the treadmill, typically with a smile and sweat streaming down me! And 30 minutes gives me about 2 miles, it's bouncy/fast!"
~ Bonnie Knox Mathis, FL
Optimism Plus
"Earlier this week, I was feeling extremely stressed and anxious about various things—election, family illness, etc. I played your InnerTalk program Optimism Plus just one time, and the results were amazing. Right away I felt so much better. I've been playing it at night this week, and it has real healing effects."
~ Millie Giesecke, ME
Ending Self Destructive Patterns

"At first I listened every day for about 10-20 days and then intermittently. Suddenly last week I had a huge insight that led to a massive life choice regarding a problem that has been with me since age 17 as far as I can recall. I feel certain this came about in part due to the help and support provided by listening to this audio. I want to add that it was the newsletter description with ideas of how this title might work, and how it might be applied to a particular type of situation that opened my eyes to the audio, and to the idea of how and why I would use it. The result is exactly what I had hoped for. Totally worth the investment. Thank you!"
~ J.Z.E.
Freedom from Alcohol / Energetic
"I really appreciate someone like Eldon creating an alternative product like he has. I have spent many years believing in hypnosis and the power of the mind. I bought one of his Freedom from Alcohol programs. I have cut down my drinking by more than half. My drinking now is about once a week and not as much consumption. I have also had much better success with my anxiety level after listening to another of his programs. Lastly I have been listening to his High Energy program the past few days and can already tell a difference. Some might say it is placebo. My opinion is that I don't care as long as it is working. I do believe however it is the work that Mr. Taylor has put into his program."
~ B.L., Holland, TX
Soaring Self Confidence / Bliss Platinum Plus

"I've been using InnerTalk subliminals for at least a couple of years now. I've tried many of your programs but have found that Soaring Self-Confidence and Platinum Plus Bliss work the best for me and when used back to back. I used Soaring Self-Confidence everyday on my lunch break for about a year. That alone created a huge benefit for me. I became much more comfortable around people, less fearful, and now I have a far easier time conversing with people."
~ Frank Lees, WA
Ultra Success Power
"I've been playing Ultra Success Power: Health Wealth and the Fountain of Youth all night for a few weeks and it's really making a difference in my state of mind. I've been so burnt out at work . . . and this program has renewed my energy and motivation."
~ M.G., Scarborough, ME
Many Programs!
"This was very informative and insightful. I also have many of your programs and swear by them."
~ Richard D. Rowland, Elizabethtown, KY
"I used subliminal material years ago for anxiety disorder. I was very ill with panic attacks and did not want to take medication. One of the most helpful solutions were these programs that I listened to before bedtime. I am in need of this again for a different problem. If you can open your mind to something that is unconventional, I think you will be surprised how much it helps!"
~ S.V., Boothbay Harbor, ME
"You come up with some terrific titles and the system that you created is terrific. I still give out the web site address of your company to people and they sure let me know how terrific Progressive Awareness Research is."
~ S.M.
"Thank you. Your material is fantastic. Been listening to it since it was in a GateWays catalog."
~ Rodolfo
"Thank you Eldon! Your work has truly changed our lives!"
~ D.R.
"Thank you for doing what you do! I'm trying to get my life back on track, get moving forward. Dead end job, divorce, getting older, et al. . . . I needed a kick in the pants!"
~ Shelly

"Dr. E., you, once again, show and explain how there's always more at work in our lives than we think. Having survived abuse, I know all too well how I can be my worst enemy. I use InnerTalk to help me to stop living that way. Also, going to therapy for years has been a big help. While I still feel challenged with giving myself credit for having come a long way, I'm thankful every day for having the opportunity to continue to change. I love and appreciate you and Mrs. T. for all that both Provocative Enlightenment and InnerTalk do for this world. Thank you."
~ M.J.
"I enjoy your newsletters and follow them constantly. Keep them coming and Bless you and Ravinder."
~ R.B.
Thank You
"InnerTalk has rewritten all the garbage programming of my childhood and younger years. There are no words to describe how I feel now compared to how subhuman I used to feel. Can't thank you enough!"
~ J.P.
Gotcha! The Subordination of Free Will
"I ordered Gotcha! as I have read all of your books and have learned quite a bit from you/them. I use you as a mentor in so much as the information gleaned from your newsletters and books resonates with me and for that I say thank you for being who you are."
~ R.B.
Cancer Remission
"Years ago I bought many CDs and got my Mom healed from Cancer Stage 4 with the free Cancer program. Your programs are incredible and they work."
~ A.S.
What If? The Challenge of Self-Realization

"To begin with Dr. Eldon Taylor, I would really like to thank you for your wonderful books. The first I read was What If? and I felt like it really changed me. It made me realize a lot of beliefs I used to hold were based on ignorant confusion. I was taught at school and at university the story of the earth being flat. I graduated in 1999 from high school. It is really interesting that a myth would be taught and prior to reading your books it would have surprised me. The memory is a very interesting thing when you can look back and remember being told these myths."
~ K.H., Sydney, Australia
One Time
"I listened to one of your inner talk programs last night and it was really helpful. Thank you."
~ Andrea Delcourt
Health and Wellness, Prosperity and Success.
"Check out InnerTalk by Dr. Eldon Taylor to program and reprogram yourself for Life, Health and Wellness, Prosperity and Success. His programs are very easy to use. They are patented and double blind laboratory validated at places like Stanford University which is one of the top rated universities in the world. And no I do not work for him at all. I have bought and use many of the programs. I endorse them because I know they work. I do not endorse any other brand of subliminal programs. There are lots of frauds out there."
~ Mike Edwards
Mind Programming

"Dr. Eldon Taylor, you have no idea how much it means to me to be able to make contact with you! You are my favorite author and my biggest inspiration. I love everyone of your book. I just finished Mind Programming the last one I haven't read. You have challenged my beliefs and values to the very core. You have opened my mind to such an extent I feel like I can see what is being projected, what I believe and somewhere in the middle lies the answer! Thank you so much Dr. Taylor."
~ K.H.
Cancer Remission
"I used Eldon's free subliminal program for my wife's cancer as well as a strict vegan diet. 5 years later with no Chemo, my wife is doing fine. I bought other subliminals. I want to personally thank Eldon for his work. I heartily endorse his work. Well worth trying. Thanks for helping save my wife's life."
~ G.D.
Quantum Younging / Enhancing Romance, Intimacy and Love
"I've been using the InnerTalk programs for several years now. I gave Quantum Younging to my Mother also and play my copy of the program whenever her and I go anywhere in the car. She is healthy and vital. Then I used Enhancing Romance and Intimacy around my daughter and her boyfriend whenever they are home or in the house, (they live with me) and now they are engaged and getting married."
~ L.B.
"Your subliminals are the best!"
~ A.H.
"I could tell that I have had many changes in my life, thanks to your audios and books."
~ A.S.
"I love your products! I especially love that you incorporate God in the mix. I feel that is so important. Thank you for all that you do!"
~ R.S.
"I have been using your recordings for healing with my clients and they work great. Right now we have lots of fear going on in the world and that translates into lots of disease—especially kidney disease. Thank you for your life's work."
~ D.H.
"Your work has touched me in many ways and I think others need to learn about it."
~ R.S.
"I love your products, Eldon. Have noticed real shifts and changes."
~ Vanessa Wells
Self Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology
"Mr. Taylor, A few years ago I was sick with Lupus and you sent me your book, Self Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology. I am now in remission and a Faster EFT practitioner just starting in my 60's. Thank you for your kindness and I have the book in my hands now as I am writing."
~ R.H.
Soccer / Winning Sports Performance
"I have previously purchased the Soccer and Winning Sports Performance for my son. I love your programs and find they are a great tool and have worked great."
~ Beth Campbell, Australia
Eldon Taylor
"InnerTalk is an amazing program. Eldon Taylor is a phenomenal author, speaker and an amazing man who helps everyone he shares with."
~ Connie Clark
"I am not sure if I ever told you, but your work has been a great positive influence on me for such a long time, well over a decade! (I lose track of time these days.) Your posts on FB always resonate with me."
~ Maria Jacketti
"I'm a huge fan of Eldon Taylor. InnerTalk works miracles. I've been listening his programs for about five years by now. Everyday religiously. One thing for sure I have gained a positive mind no matter what."
~ T.V., Fort Saint John, Canada
"Thank you so much. I've listened to your programs off and on for years, and I feel they've really helped me unlock some old ugly patterns and choose something better."
~ Erika Boyer
"Inner Talk changed my life! Ever grateful to Dr. Eldon Taylor!"
~ J.C.
"I love Dr. Eldon Taylor! His programs are changing my life! We all have so much power in us! And Dr. Taylor's programs are helping wake up the giants in us!"
~ Firat Cavas
Forever Young

"The programs by Dr. Eldon Taylor are in his InnerTalk (Official) collection. The programs are patented and have been tested by Stanford University. The programs have also been validated in 12 double blind clinical studies. By simply playing the programs, issues, wrong beliefs, and wrong programing are addressed and corrected. I had a elderly lady purchase his Forever Young package—she was speaking of dieting but had given up. After using for just two days she is being filled with life once again. She is looking forward and not back. I am amazed as is her daughter who purchased the program for her on my recommendation."
~ M.E.
They Work!
"I will never be able to congratulate you enough for the system you created. Whenever I need to improve on something your wife Ravinder knows what to recommend and magic happens. When I need to overcome something the same thing happens. I consider myself fortunate to have learned about Progressive Awareness. I have given the website address of Progressive Awareness to a lot of people. Recently I gave it to two cousins after I informed them about one thing I overcame with one of the titles I bought. After a person buys one of your titles and I see them a few weeks later they tell me 'Thank you so much. That system really works.' I answer no kidding!
~ Stephen Mariscal
Satisfaction /Prosperity / Self Sabotage / Resolution Solutions / Fitness

"I just wanted to tell you how much these programs have helped me and my family over the past 3 years. Despite years of therapy, and being drug, sugar, carbohydrate and alcohol free, my self-esteem and subsequent depression was still an issue, and it greatly affected my work as a professional artist as well as my health. I started by getting individual programs for prosperity, and noticed a steady improvement in the quality of my art commissions (I am a historical reproduction fine artist); I started getting a few jobs from movie companies and museums as well as from high-end clients. Money started coming in unexpectedly as a direct result of my doing the action to allow it. But best of all, by using your Eliminating Self Sabotage album my self-esteem improved.
"My brother was so impressed by the change in me (he is an M.D. btw) that he and his family has started using your programs as well, with great success. My husband, who is a cancer survivor with very similar self-esteem issues as I do, has been using them as well, and I have noticed a huge difference in him. There are no words to thank you enough. I have just ordered your Resolution Solutions and OZO Fitness program, and am looking forward to using them. I also very much enjoy receiving your inspirational newsletters as well as reading your blog."
~ J.P.
Millionaire Orbit / Genius / Awakened Dreaming Lucid Dream
"I just wanted to let you know I've been listening to the Millionaire Orbit everyday and evening. One day about two weeks ago my husband surprised me and took me to the Casino which he rarely does. He gave me $20.00 for the slots and I sat at the nickels and within a few minutes I won the three sizzler sevens (Jackpot). We went to the quarter machines and my husband won 600 quarters. In a little while we left with $600.00 in our pockets and only invested $20.00. I don t want people to think gambling is the way but I realized if you are in a position of gambling in your life and you either have to pick door A or B after listening to Millionaire Orbit I believe if given a choice you will pick the right door!
"My wife listens to Millionaire Orbit hours a day along with Genius program. She is studying to be a Pharm-Tech for a pharmacy. She will have to take a state board licensing exam so she uses the Genius program to help accomplish this.
"My husband listens to Lucid Dreaming and he had his first lucid dream that night. We have both been listening to your programs for over 30 days and have 90 days to go to see if we both can duplicate our successes naturally with our new programming. Thanks for making these products."
~ Sheila and Dennis
Grief / Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology / Strategic Planning and Peak Performance / Confidence / Resolution Solution / Speaking
"I am writing to express my appreciation and thank you for the work you do.
"I was introduced to InnerTalk subliminal technology by my mother's hospice nurse. Upon my mother's passing he gave a CD to help me in my grieving process. I must say that I felt my anguish lessen and began feeling more at peace.
"Later, she shared the InnerTalk website and suggested I purchase the Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology book. It was then I was hooked. I have ordered a number of programs since then, some of which have been suggested by Ravinder. My eyes were opened to a whole new understanding of just how we are being influenced while being totally unaware and what we can do about it. I know I need to be consciously aware of the things I expose myself to and what I need to do to replace my old thought patterns. I have faithfully been using the InnerTalk programs.

"This leads me to tell you of my personal experience in using the subliminal programs. Please understand I am a daughter, wife and mother, not a public speaker. However, because of being my mother's caregiver, who was diagnosed with Dementia I was asked to speak at the White House Committee on Aging Alzheimer's Meeting last month. On my way to Washington DC I listened to Strategic Planning, which Ravinder had recommended along with the Self Confidence program from the Resolutions Solutions album while on my flight. I continued to listen to them on and off the following day. On Tuesday when I gave my speech I felt calm and relaxed. I successfully read my speech with ease and confidence. I believe I have you to thank for that.
"I especially want to thank Ravinder for all her kindness, suggestions and help."
~ Yvonne Eisner
Your Personal Best: Prosperity Power
"In April of 2014, I emailed Eldon requesting help for feeling stuck on my dream of being an entrepreneur. I lost a lot of money as a real estate investor during the last crash. I no longer had clarity in my life. Since then, I'd have the same recurring dream that had been interpreted as loss of hope and failure. One month of listening to Personal Best: Prosperity Power, as Eldon had suggested, my dream changed.
"This past June, a business concept came to me like a light bulb went on! I will be in business to a multi-million dollar idea by Spring/Summer of 2015! The programs allowed me to see what has been inside me the whole time! Thank you, Eldon and Ravinder!"
~ Valerie
"I want to thank you so so much for the help I have experienced through your wonderful creations! I have been trying all my life to better myself and my life using homeopathy and reading self-help books, which gave some help, but only so far. The InnerTalk programs I have been using have changed me! I am amazed, my husband is amazed, my kids are amazed. I find myself telling everyone about your products and I want to help others as I have been helped! Thank you again!
~ Wendy W.
Prosperity / Money Management / Luck
"To all you skeptics these subliminal programs actually work! This past Christmas I gifted myself the following programs: Prosperity, Money Management and Luck. I listened to the Prosperity and Money Management programs on alternate days on continuous loop at home and while sleeping. The Luck program I listen to everyday at home, also on continuous loop. This is what has happened so far:
"I have had so many opportunities to work OT (overtime). My union representative has told me that I was due two years back wages for shift differential/premium that was due to me. I did not know I was due this! I have paid off my last debt; I am debt free!
"I have been consistently entering contests and sweepstakes; I have won a dinner for two at a Casino Hotel in Atlantic City; won a $100 gift card to the Gap; won $500 cash in a Pennsylvania lottery scratch off ticket.
"I seem to get parking spaces when I need them, and I seem to always get good deals on things that I purchase. It does not matter what the item is. Oh, the UPS man just delivered a box of toys, I don't remember what contest I entered, but my nephew will get the toys for his birthday this summer."
~ Lisa A.D., Philadelphia, PA
Healing Trauma / Forgiving and Letting Go
"I thought your article on Perception Is Not Truth was excellent. I love your Healing Trauma and Forgiving and Letting Go programs. I have purchased many of your different program over the years, but these two have meant the most to me. Thank you so very much!"
~ Debbie
Choices and Illusions / Arthritis / Awakened Dreaming Lucid Dream
"A good while back, I got a book from a friend called Choices and Illusions by Eldon Taylor, expert in the subliminal sciences. It came with a sample CD with positive affirmations on it. Well when Vickie ended up in the hospital with pneumonia where her liver and kidneys shut down and she was in a comma for 2-1/2 days, I was with her the whole time. As I left the house to be in the hospital with her, I remembered briefly that in Eldon's book it said that the subconscious is super sensitive to anything said around the person that is in a coma. That the subconscious picks up on anything that is said around the person in that state. So for whatever reason I grabbed the CD player and the InnerTalk CD that came with the book and headed out the door.
"I played the CD the whole time she was unconscious—2-1/2 days. When she finally awoke she had to go to a sort of recovery hospital for 2 weeks before she could come home. After getting out of the hospital to the doctors' amazement and my own, she did not need the pain killers except for perkiest. She did not need the morphine or oxycodone and she did not have withdrawals or have to go to rehab after 15 years of chemical pain relief.
"Time went by and I finally got around to finishing Eldon's book recently and decided to purchase some InnerTalk programs. One program that I got was called Freedom from Arthritis. I played the program on a loop while I slept for no more then 3 weeks and to my amazement my arthritis in my shoulder is gone. Pretty unbelievable but true.
"I highly suggest you check this form of self improvement out. I am still amazed at the results I got."
~ D.J., Westminster, CO
Snoring / Awakened Dream Lucid Dream / Weight Loss
"I just want to let Eldon know of the fantastic results I have had with three of the many InnerTalk programs I have purchased. It's only been a few weeks since we started using them and have seen dramatic results already. My Hubby has been using the Freedom from Snoring program and already his dangerous and raucous snoring levels have almost stopped. He doesn't wake up with a raw throat any more. I used to hear him from the other end of a large house. This has been a remarkable result.

"I have had several CDs going and am seeing interesting things happen with the Lucid Dream Experience CD . . . too early to give you much but things are definitely happening. The best one with me, so far, has been Weight Loss Now and although weight loss is slow, it is coming off without the emotional ups and down of feeling constantly hungry and having to deny myself of everything.
"I now do not have constant hunger and when I do eat I am filled quickly and satisfied for long times between meals. The affirmations have changed my appetite, my desire for sugar has all but gone and I am happier than I have ever been. Over the years I have tried all that has been available for weight loss, even bariatric surgery but it was never able to take away the craving and constant hunger. Your CDs have. It has been extremely painful (emotionally) to lose weight, but your CDs have taken away that frustration.
"I expect to see great things as I continue listening and eating right. I thank you on behalf of my husband also, who I know has benefited greatly from snoring issues that have actually bordered on being dangerous."
~ V.K.
"I'm writing to tell you how much your InnerTalk CD, Excel in Exams, has helped me. I recently graduated from Taft Law School with honors, after completing a 4-year independent study program. I discovered InnerTalk while in my third year. It made an amazing difference in my exam-taking experience. During the first two years, final exams were a nerve-wracking experience. I passed my exams, but only after suffering much anxiety. After taking my finals, I would be so exhausted that I couldn't do anything for the rest of the day. After completing my first year, I had to fly to California to take the Baby Bar exam. I passed with good grades, but I came down with the flu immediately thereafter because I was so energetically worn down. Things changed dramatically in my third and fourth years. I listened to InnerTalk during the long hours of studying. I felt relaxed and confident. Studying became more enjoyable. I actually looked forward to taking exams. When I walked out of the exam room, I felt fine and had plenty of energy to enjoy the rest of the day. I would go on a long bike ride to reward myself for a job well done. And my grades improved to boot! I will be taking the California Bar Exam in July 2014. You can bet that I will be listening to InnerTalk Excel in Exams while I prepare for the most difficult bar exam in the nation. Thank you for the work you do in helping people like me achieve their dreams!"
~ Celeste G.
"I have been playing InnerTalk programs in my office while seeing my patients for the past 10 years with amazing results. They have a profound transformative effect on listeners."
~ Cristian Enescu, M.D., Colts Neck, NJ
Weight Loss Now / Radio
"I first heard of InnerTalk on Hay House Radio around 4 years ago and have enjoyed your programs there and the information you provide on your website. I love your open minded approach to the many topics you discuss—it really is very refreshing to hear.

I have struggled with bulimia for over 30 years and have never been able to lose weight without resorting to it. In the summer of this year I was not in a good place and the heaviest I had ever been. Trying not to resort to my old ways, I purchased the InnerTalk Weight Loss Now program. I listened to the CD daily for maybe an hour or two for two months without noticing any change at all. Then after listening for about 10 weeks I started to exercise. I had exercised before but always thought that this was just to allow me to eat whatever I wanted. This time however, I started to watch what I ate and combined healthy diet with exercise. I know this is approach is not news to anyone but for me this was very new. I was able to eat wisely and, if I did make some unsuitable choices in food, was able not to purge, but to explain to myself that this slip did not mean that I had to throw everything away. Six months after starting to listen to Weight Loss Now I have lost 22lbs and have muscles that I never ever had before. I enjoy exercising, I enjoy being more active and love knowing that I am aware of my eating.
"At 45 years of age I have a pride in my body that I have never ever had. I am so grateful for the help and information that you are providing. I really can not thank you enough."
~ K.M.
PS Enjoying your show on the new station
Cancer Remission
"I was sent a free cancer CD for my sister. I bought a cheap player and put the CD in and kept playing over and over for years. She has since gone to the LORD but thank you, Eldon. It kept her in remission for years."
~ J.C., Davie, FL
Christmas / Exam / Sport
"Thank you very much for the surprise gift of the Acoustic Christmas CD! I love it! I have purchased several of your CDs for my family and we have seen good results. My daughter has improved her testing scores with the positive education/exam CD and looks for forward to listening to the CD for positive sport performance. Thank you for all that you do."
~ R.B., Nichols, IA
Forgiving and Letter Go / Personal Power / Releasing Fear, Doubt / Stress / Choices and Illusions
"I downloaded the free mp3s and have been running them in a continuous loop in iTunes non-stop on my computer for the past five days or so. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to change! And let me tell you—I feel different—I feel motivated, with an incredible amount of energy. I feel inspired. On fire! And I feel compelled to help people along. These feelings of mine are in complete contrast to how I felt prior to listening to your programs where feelings of hopelessness and learned helplessness pervaded my mental landscape. And I feel more creative - thoughts have been popping into my head that don't normally surface.
"The interesting thing about it all is that I have no idea of what's on the audios, as I do not have a full transcript—and you know what, Dr. Taylor. I don't care—it doesn't matter. Your programs are magical! You don't even have to know precisely what's on the audios for their power to explode into your life. It doesn't matter!
"And it's so easy: Just turn on the audios, run them continuously, and go on about your day! Thank you - Thank you - Thank you with all my heart.
"I've also just finished reading your book: Choices and Illusions! What a great book. Next of yours to read will be What If, which is listed as a featured book on the ramtha.com. If it's good for JZ Knight, it's good for me.
"Thank you so much for putting yourself out there and exposing yourself to harsh criticism for those of us who believe wholeheartedly in your work! Some people probably think you're nuts! But I don't. You're one courageous cookie! Well done! The status quo is probably terrified of your work—so unconventional but oh so sublime! The mainstream has such a fear of the unknown, which keeps the masses imprisoned by limiting beliefs—as if the unknown and the unseen were scary. If information were to come from a talking bull frog, and it helped me, I would embrace and run with it."
~ V.R., Philadelphia, PA
Choices and Illusions / End Self-Destructive Patterns / Hyperemperia

"I wanted to express my thanks for all your hard work and immense care for people that shows up in your radio show, books and programs. Starting with the Choices and Illusions program, that first week as instructed, I started playing the Icon InnerTalk daily. I started journaling again for the first time in years and started to really listen to myself and emerge from the numbness I had achieved through my drugs of choice—food and television.
"In such a short amount of time, adding in the End Self-Destructive Patterns in the second week, I felt enormous internal shifts. Instead of this constant underlying feeling of unworthiness, I started to actually think about and remember all the reasons that I am worthy and that I am enough.
"I've had bursts of creativity and inspiration . . . Eldon, I feel so much stronger and more capable. I aim to get back into the world, socialize again, start my own business and really enjoy the journey and all life has to offer. I want to thank you for being part of my support system and really making a difference to my life."
~ C.M., Joondalup, Australia
Brain Entrainment
"I have used your brain entrainment with incredible results. I have also received the help I needed using your CDs Thank You."
~ Caroline Wampler
"I know Inner Talk since 2008. Listening to InnerTalk MP3 makes me feel so comfortable, calm, more positive and of course happy. Inner Talk is my mood booster!:D"
~ Liah Fajar
Satisfaction / Hypnosis
"I'm 83 years old and I can't believe how miraculous this program is! I feel like it is better than a college degree. When I forget something . . . like the other day I sat down at my computer and completely spaced all of my passwords. I put on that hypnosis program and it was like the passwords just appeared out of thin air on a black board in front of me. I am able to use my computer with ease, reading is easier, I can type faster. I love this program! I take your catalogs to my local library where I still work and leave them for others to take. Everyone should use InnerTalk."
~ J.B.L., Beaverton, OR
Cancer / Sleep Soundly
"My daughter has had years of night terrors and is now sleeping soundly every day and right from day one thanks to your Sleep Soundly. Thank you so much for that. I would recommend the Cancer Remission CD as it gives you your strength back and seems to eliminate fear."
~ S.D., Barking, Essex
Satisfaction / Ending Self Destructive Patterns
"Eldon the system you created is simply fantastic. On Sunday I was at a social event and I came across a lady and we spoke for a while. She told me what she was trying to accomplish and I asked her a couple of questions. She answered them and then I asked her if she ever found herself being a little negative about some things or situations? She answered yes. I gave her the website www.innertalk.com and I told her the name of the company is Progressive Awareness Research located in Medical lake, WA. I said that is Washington State. I said contact them and get a CD titled End Self-Destructive Patterns and listen to it 24 times once a day. I then said watch magic happen. You will be attracting to yourself positive situations. She wrote it all down. For your information Eldon, I do this often when I am in a social gathering. I like to let people know that for numerous things in one's life there are answers or ways to improve one's self as well as to overcome obstacles. I then say you won't be able to not because you won't have the ability, but because you will realize that with the correct title CD you will see Magic happen for yourself."
~ S.M.
Hair Loss
"I am a Brit living in Australia, and have bought several of your CDs. I scoured the Internet for information on subliminal products before coming across your wonderful website. It was so informative and factual with numerous products and titles, that I knew I had to purchase from you . . . and I haven't been disappointed.

"I bought for my children and me, and play the CDs in all our bedrooms all night. I also have the brain entrainment DVDs. The results have been nothing short of amazing. The children have improved at school, I have gained confidence in my ability to start a business, and last but not least my hair has stopped falling out! This last one really astounded me as my hair had started thinning since puberty, and I had never regained the thickness I had when I was a young girl. It took about 4-5 months before I noticed that my hair loss was reducing, and I hadn't started exercising or changed my diet at all. To be honest, I didn't think the Freedom from Hair Loss CD would work, so it goes to show that it doesn't matter what your conscious mind thinks as long as you listen to the CD!
"Thank you for offering your wonderful products to the world. I intend to make further purchases and I recommend you to everybody I know."
~ A.C., Perth, Australia
Soaring Self Esteem / Accelerated Healing / Forgiving and Letting Go
"I love InnerTalk series. Soaring Self-Esteem and Accelerated Healing have been instrumental in my healing. I listened to Forgiveness and Letting Go for one year. Now I give seminars around the world in emotional healing, NLP and hypnosis."
~ Dr. Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri, Founder Vitality Living College, Wembley, Middlesex
Mind Programming / Serenity
"Listening to the CD and reading your book has a profound effect within me. It literally tickles my brain and I continue having to try to scratch by a continued frown. This in turn allows me somehow to increase my level of confidence and energy that I am portraying. I am looking to realize my full potential. I find your honesty and sincerity to be a true gift for those that are willing and able to listen. Thank you for sharing. You have opened up a world within me and allowed me a better chance at life."
~ D.G.
Accelerated Learning and Study
"I used to own so many of your programs. When I moved some years ago, many of my cherished belongings got shuffled around and lost including my OZO, Echo-Tech, and subliminal programs—Accelerated Learning and Study and eight spiritual/metaphysical programs. I found myself reading whole books within a few days and comprehending the material easily, which I'd always had problems with before using your programs which I really enjoyed using. I plan on ordering the Learning CDs this time or mp3s. Financially, it's been tough lately, so I appreciate your free mp3 tracks to somewhat hold me through this difficult time. God bless you and your compassionate work. Thank you.
~ T.L., Carteret, NJ
Powerful Immune System / Self-Confidence / Sleep Soundly
I am facing the challenge of ovarian cancer and am finding so much help with your CDs - the immune system, self-confidence (illness can take that from you) Sleeping Soundly.
D.H., Beverly, MA
Inner Genie
"I just started using your technology and have seen great changes. I would like to share that a few days ago my work was published in a well known newspaper advertising my animated film. Prior to me using your technology, I would keep hitting a wall but now things seem to be starting to appear in a very positive way. The best part of it all is that I have found out that I am the genie, so thank you!"
~ Carlos Garcia
Keen Vision
"I want to thank you for the quick turnaround of my orders. I also want to thank everyone who contributes to the work that Eldon does. I heard Eldon speak on one of Lisa Garr's recent radio shows, and ended up ordering the package that was offered. When it came, I scanned the books and started listening to the CDs. As you know, the effects are so very subtle, but they most definitely are there! I've ordered a few more CDs and also just took advantage of the wonderful Christmas offer, some for gifts.

"There is no way I can put into words the changes that have taken place in my mind and thinking. During the short time I've been listening (I don't work outside the home, so I have lots of time to just play the CDs), there have been lots of insights come to me, one of which is that I am one of those folks who has lived in a fight or flight state most of my life—possibly from in utero. I'm. almost 65 years. I ended up a few years ago working with a naturopathic doctor to bring my HPA axis back into alignment. That goal was reached last Spring. Yay! Much gratitude for that!
Not until I started to listen to the InnerTalk CDs, though, was I able to see clearly. One of the CDs I ordered was Keen Vision. I did it mostly because I wanted to improve how my eyes see. I do believe that is happening, but also, I find that I have something I haven't had since I was very young—a vision!
~ L.O.
Mind Programming / Change Without Thinking / Self-Hypnosis
"I want to say that the first book I read was Mind Programming and the DVDs Change Without Thinking.
"I'm writing this because I have, over the last few years, realized that I was conditioned and herding. In a very negative way because of my childhood my emotional growth was curtailed. I didn't turn to therapy. I self-medicated and was lost for many years. I didn't want to exist this way any longer. It was not who I really was. I was tired and didn't want to die that way so I did stop. But it has been a long road. I began in 1994 to be interested in natural health and meditation, self change with Science of Mind affirmations and reading.
"This last book of yours and self-hypnosis CD, I have seen, felt a change in myself that is sublime really, I feel it in my being. I think that the fast take on this after so much other is that I have a a trust respect, deep connection to the feeling and knowing that your long experience and materials are about much more than money but a deep sincere meaning to help others. I believe in your honesty, and this certainly helps me.
"Just wanted to let you know, yes it works and has helped me to a new life. I won't say I wish I had been familiar with your work a long time ago—timing is everything and my time is now!
~ E.M.
Freedom from Alcohol / Strategic Planning and Peak Performance
"At the beginning of this year, I was fortunate enough to be home to listen to your radio show live. I called in and spoke with you and your lovely partner Ravinder. At the time, I was unemployed and drinking a little too much wine in the evenings. I think I was also a little depressed. You and Ravinder were so incredibly kind and non-judgmental, and you generously sent me several of your InnerTalk CDs. They were truly a life-changer for me, and not only me, my entire family!

"I started by listening to Freedom from Alcohol, then moved on to others. Interestingly, my children were fascinated with the concept and wanted to listen to them too. They especially love Strategic Planning and Peak Performance. Please pass along my thanks to Ravinder for suggesting that one! We went on to purchase several more CDs as well as a couple of multipacks.
Fast forward to today. I am gainfully employed, drink alcohol rarely if ever, and am more enthusiastic about my life than I have been in a long time. My children are doing well in school and have a positive outlook on life. We all turn on our favorite InnerTalk CDs each night as we go to sleep, and we feel they are such a benefit in our lives, as well as being very relaxing to listen to.
"I love all your books, your radio show, and, of course, your InnerTalk programs, and I just want to say a great big thank you to you for all you have done for me."
~ C.S.
Performance Anxiety
"One of my secret weapons for great performances is Eldon Taylor's InnerTalk Performance Anxiety. These CDs work I have been using them for years to reprogram old limiting beliefs."
~ D.M.
Forgiving and Letting Go
"Thank you very much for the CD. I wanted to see what your programs are like and I'm really impressed. After seeing and hearing your program I will be buying some of your products in the near future."
~ D.J.
Mind Programming
"I have just purchased Mind Programming and have been so encouraged by the conversation and tools presented."
~ Segretta Woodard, CA
What If? The Challenge of Self-Realization
"If you want a great read, and you want to challenge what you believe, Eldon Taylor 's What If is the best, the hardest, and the most difficult book I have read and I love it. Also, check out his website where you can find the patented InnerTalk technology. I love Eldon's work."
~ J.R.
Soaring Self-Confidence
"Whenever I need a boost in my life I listen to Soaring Self-Confidence, an InnerTalk Subliminal audio Program by Eldon Taylor. Just brilliant Eldon!"
~ Anonymous
Performance Anxiety / Overcoming the Fear of Rejection
"Eldon wanted to say thank you for your magnificent programs on Performance Anxiety and Overcoming Fear of Rejection. These have been instrumental in my success of performing in front of large crowds like the NY Yankees and NBA Thunder!! Thank you!"
~ D.M.
"I was given one of your CDs as a gift from a friend. Listened to the CD at least twice a day. Your CDs really work! I look forward to receiving this order."
~ S.S., Aurora, CO
Learning / Enthusiasm / Cancer
Thank you for giving my husband and I the tools to live a more fulfilled and positive life. My husband found your CDs while studying for the CPA exam for the third time. He needed something to get him through the wall he was hitting with his motivation. After ordering your CD on Learning, and listening to it before bed and while he studied he found that he hungered for time to open the books. You had sent with it a complementary CD on Enthusiasm and I was struggling with interpersonal relations at work. My husband begged me to listen to the CD and finally I gave in, more to shut him up than anything.

"After just one week of listening to the CD before bed, my boss pulled me aside and said, 'OK, what is up, your attitude has completely changed. I see a huge change in you and I want to know what you are doing.' This is when I knew your CD was having an impact on my life. The Enthusiasm CD became a part of my daily routine and my husband ordered several more that we rotate listening to.
"About a year later I was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer and my world was falling apart. My sister came to me with your cancer CD that was given to her by her sister in-law, Bobbie McNall as a gift to me. When I saw it I knew this was going to be my rock for the walk I was about to take. I cannot in words convey to you how instrumental your CD was in my recovery. Through chemotherapy, a double mastectomy, rebuild and ongoing treatments your CD was there. I am glad it was not a program because I would have worn it out.
"A close friend of mine began to struggle recently and was on antidepressants. She came to me asking how I stayed so positive and I talked her into listening to the Enthusiasm CD. She says now that she does not want to go one day without her CD. I share your work with everyone I can whenever I can. In short, I am a huge fan of what you do and am very thankful for your work."
~ N.W., Spokane, WA
Cancer Remission
"The skin cancer spots on my forehead and arms disappeared!"
~ L.G., Fort Myers, FL
Guilt Free / Forgiving and Letting Go
"I used both the Guilt and Forgiving and Letting Go programs about 5 yrs ago with great results. The Guilt to such a degree that even now, though I may feel the emotion momentarily, it releases almost involuntarily and I'm able to establish if it's simply a habitual response and if not, move effortlessly into making amends for what I may have done."
~ G.E., Chew Magna, Bristol
Releasing Fear, Doubt and Feelings of Hopelessness and Helplessness
"I am honored to listen to one of the MP3s and it is so uplifting. I am going through a rough time and I feel positive and extremely happy when I listen to your MP3s. It feels as if I am on cloud nine and all of life's problems floating out of my body. I can sense a healing effect on my body and my overall health has improved. My old dysfunctional mindset has changed to a positive mindset. My life is changing and the results are amazing. Keep up the good work and continue spreading the good news by giving help and hope to the helpless and hopeless."
~ T.G., Cape Town
Respect and Good Manners
"Love You Eldon Taylor! Thanks for all your great work. Still using all the great stuff we purchased from your company. Especially the Respect and Good Manners for my munchkin. Anytime she acts up, I put it on at night and the next day there is a huge difference. What a blessing your work is."
~ J.H.
"I bought a thank you card to send you several months ago, but I can't even put words to all the thanks I feel for your wonderful InnerTalk programs. They have helped me and my family in pretty much every area of our lives. We all really appreciate you and all you do!"
~ C.C.

"I just had a conversation with someone from my family and it went well. I listened and just said 'OK.' In the past I'd have exploded and I'd be upset for days after a similar conversation to the one I had today. It's just that I am at the stage of my life when positive thinking/saying affirmations alone is not enough and it is not happening for me anyway (even though affirmations alone worked for me in the past). So I really need those CDs at the moment and I'm lucky to have them! InnerTalk is the only thing that works for me right now in terms of feeling peaceful in spite of all the difficult conversations and so on. Thank you!"
~ Y.I.
"I've been using Eldon Taylor's CDs since my first cancer diagnosis. Believe it or not they really work! I'm glad for programs such as these."
~ P.W.
"Your CDs gave me the strength and motivation to leave a severely abusive relationship, gain custody of my children, go back to school and start my own business. I'm so grateful to have found your products. I plan to become a distributor. Thank you."
~ K.C., WA
Weight Loss
"Thank you so much for making the CDs that I am buying from your company. Wow! I do not know what is being said on the dialog (I guess that is the whole point), but I feel you have an insight into the human mind that is accurate and purposeful. I am using your CDs for my last set of slimming. I have been working on this for nearly 30 years, starting at 450 lbs. as a teen. I am in my last section now, and I wish I had discovered your CDs years ago. Thank you so much for developing products that mean the difference to all of us in how we live, work and enjoy our lives."
~ M.K.
Choices and Illusions
"Eldon, I love your new book, especially the section on balance and forgiveness. I am using this with my clients and they are getting so many amazing results in their lives. Thank you."
~ Victoria Buckmann, Tracy, CA
Energy / Reading / High Blood Pressure
"Love the energy CD. It has helped so much! The reading CD ended up working well for me — I listen to the classical music in the car. As for my 6 yr old ,I play the ocean Reading CD for her but I still hear comments from her saying "I hate to read." She's got a tougher nut to crack than I do. Sigh and Giggle. Love your products. My mom ended up scratching her high blood pressure one. That's on my next CD."
~ R.M., Rancho Cucamonga, CA