Testimonials - Page 3
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Hollywood Confidence
"I am a success story. I ran across an OZO program way back in 1993. OZO Confidence. This program changed my life! I'd tried other programs etc. and nothing worked like this one.

"I was a struggling comedian back then and I began listening to the program a few times a week. The program made me so confident that I became unstoppable! I went on to work the best clubs all over America. In 1997 I ended up in Hollywood where I became a television writer. I went on to become an award winning television comedy writer. I think the most useful elements of the program were the parts that said I deserved success.
"Most recently I've become a T.V. Producer, selling and producing my very own show! The OZO program made me believe whole-heartedly that I could do anything I wanted. And as it turns out that's what it takes to do just that—just believe it.
"So thank you! Whoever researched and developed this technology should be awarded the Noble Prize!"
~ G.W.
"Thank you for your website. For the past 6 weeks I've been stuck in an emotional downward spiral fueled by negativity coming from all different directions. Or so I thought.
"Searching for answers, I typed forgiveness in the search bar, and your website popped up. After reading several articles, particularly the Seven Fundamentals and Owning Your Own Controls, I'm feeling the burden I've placed on myself begin to lift. I realize the downward spiral is directed by my own negativity. It's an upward struggle, but I'm hopeful that I can do it."

"Thank you for providing such a wonderful product. My husband and I have stopped smoking after listening to Forever Free of Cigarettes. I was a smoker for over 10 years and quit after only one week of listening to the program. After listening to the program about 3 times a day for one week I felt so guilty whenever I smoked that I just couldn't do it anymore. After I had been free of cigarettes for about 3 months, I decided just for the heck of it to take a few puffs with a drink after I had been working hard during a move. It was revolting and I just couldn't stand it. It tasted like the worst cigarette I had ever smoked when I was sick with a stuffy cold! It sounds weird, but it's true. My husband didn't even decide he wanted to quit, but after I had been playing the program over and over in the background, he stopped even before I did. Thanks again!"
~ Michelle & Mike
Doctor Recommended
"My doctor has recommended your programs highly. Thank you!"
~ K.K.
"I was actually sitting alone on Mother's day thinking of my unfortunate situation—being a mother of two children, having no job and money to actually buy anything for my babies, merely having sufficient money to buy food for myself—when I decided to surf the net not knowing what to do. Trust me, your website just came on [with] the search listing that I requested. I would like to sincerely thank you for creating such a site because, though I shed quite a lot of tears that very day, it still gave me a lot of positive spirit to continue facing all [of] life's problems that I'm facing. Please keep up the very good work you're doing because there are many many more people around the world that you may touch with all the good things that you have on your site, especially your Stress Busters.
"Thank you again for making this years' Mother's Day a day I got acquainted with a good friend whom I can look up to when I feel lonely and sad. Thank You again and all the best in keeping your good work going."
~ Veronica
Self Esteem / Weight Loss

"After a really traumatic year in which my confidence hit rock bottom, I've started using your self esteem programs and feel fantastic! I've just bought weight loss for my parents and they've lost 9 pounds each in just a week. I am so impressed and now have a passion for life I've never experienced before. Thank you so much."
~ J.W.
"Brilliant! The help you provide is beyond all expectations. Thank you!""~ M.O.
"My aunt has been helped tremendously by you Free From Arthritis program."
~ D.R.
Anxiety & Stress Free

"For the last month or so, I have been using your Anxiety and Stress Free programs (Self Hypnosis and Echo Tech) and have noticed a great improvement. I am feeling much more confident, less nervous and my physical symptoms have gotten better. I am so glad that I discovered this website as I am sure that throughout life we all have things to improve upon. I have recommended the weight loss program to mother in law. Thank you very much."
~ Cheryl, PA
"I just wanted to say thank you. I've been feeling very poorly about myself over the past couple of days and found it refreshing to review your site. I instantly felt inspired after having just read some of the sample affirmations. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt works."
~ N.S.

"Jesse, my six year old, just finished her first term of Grade 1 (her first year at school). She has received the most awesome report. Her teacher can't believe that she hasn't done any schooling before. She has started writing, she knows all her colors, numbers and shapes. When the class started learning the alphabet, Jess has managed to learn the whole alphabet in a couple of weeks and has started reading words as well. Jess also goes and puts her Power Imaging program on by herself, because she says it helps her do well at school. When her teacher asked how she had learned all the basics, even though she hasn't been to nursery school, Jess told her teacher that InnerTalk and her Mom, had taught her all she needed to know. Apparently Jess then proceeded to tell her all about Eldon Taylor, InnerTalk, left and right brain hemispheres—what they do and how they work. Mirror Imaging—and the whole baby gibberish/reverse speech research. The subconscious mind and how InnerTalk works with the music and embedded affirmations. The teacher then asked Jess a whole bunch of questions, to see if she knew what everything meant. To which apparently Jess gave her detailed replies.
"Anyway, I thought it was a lovely story and that you might enjoy it. You have to picture this six year old telling her grown up teacher all this stuff using these big words. Wes, my 13 year old goes to get Jess from the waiting class and he says he stood at the classroom door watching Jess tell her teacher, and the teacher had her mouth wide open with big eyes."
"I love your OZO programs. They have been a great help to me."
"I have been using the two programs you sent me for twice the amount of time you prescribed. The results are astounding. My senses are strong, I sense things before they happen, and much more. Thank you very much."
~ Jonathan
Satisfaction / Weight Loss / Forgiveness
"Sorry I can't take you up on the money back guarantee, but the programs worked. I don't overeat or binge anymore. I have exercised forgiveness, people that upset me in the past no longer do so. Thanks!"
"Just wanted to tell Eldon that I appreciate and enjoy is newsletter very much! Not only is it very informative and often cutting edge information, but its straight talk without the fluff. Having worked in Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy for over 40 years, there's not much that surprises me about the mind!"
"I am a loyal customer of yours. I have tested many of your products and the results were wonderful. Nothing else I've tried has worked so well."
~ J.H.

"Terrific thing about InnerTalk, which also poses a challenge. It's like suddenly finding yourself in a huge candy store of possibilities. There are so many concepts eligible for beneficial programming, it's hard to know where to start. But that's a great problem to have. I am enthusiastically recommending InnerTalk and other of Eldon's audio betterment technologies to friends & acquaintances."
~ S.M.
"Thank you for the wonderful product that you provide. I have been using them for over 5 years with incredible results. Thank you again for your fast service, and great products."
~ D.H.
"I count myself as having been very fortunate to ever have discovered your company and the outstanding products you provide. Eldon Taylor is always extremely generous with both his time and creativity and has created several custom programs for me which I continue to enjoy on a daily basis. Thank you again for your consideration."
~ D.D. - Florida
"I just wanted to let you know that I received the programs last week, and have been listening to them every day. I love them. They're great!! Thank you."
~ G.B.
"I also must say that the MP3s on your homepage are working though I don't speak English very well."
~ J.M.
"I love your programs, CDs and website. Thank you for providing such a powerful technology for change. It's just so simple to listen and then have major shifts occur. Thanks for your dedication to improving life on Planet Earth."
"I have stress, allergies, and to much time on my hands. I listened to the stress program. Boy! did it work! I can't wait to get started with my own CDs. Thank you for being there."
~ J.H.

"I have been browsing through your website on and off for 2 weeks now and I'm going to have to purchase some programs just to satisfy my overwhelming curiosity. A few years back I was fascinated by subliminals and bought many programs and books on the subject. My interested waned however when I wasn't getting the results I wanted. My interest has been rekindled though after speaking to someone who swears by your programs. She's a work colleague of mine who for some strange reason has gone from being very shy and quiet to someone who is very confident and very amusing—and this all in the space of a few months. I think she's told only me that it was because of your programs."
~ SF.
Hypno Disk
"Your [hypnosis] disc was so amazing! I had a great time with it!"
"I have to say that I have only been dealing with your company for a few weeks and I am totally impressed with your excellent customer service. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. (And I love your products too!)"
~ J.M.
"My son has been using the ADHD program since August 2001. I am very happy to say he is no longer on Ritalin. He is doing fine. Of course, he is still a boy, but he is learning to focus etc. I am very proud of him and happy that I found you. Thank you!"
~ R.M.M.
"If only every one would use your products, we'd all be truly happy. Thank you for your work."
~ C.W.
"" improve every time I listen!"
~ P.E.
"I have purchased Eldon's programs before and had great results from them."
~ T.T.
"I have had my sons use your programs very successfully with sports for the past 5 years. Now they want the programs to help them with college! I look forward to getting the new programs soon! Thanks!"
~ B.M.
"My sister had the Hyperemperia with her. One of her friends gets terrible panic attacks so that even her voice goes. The other day my sister let her listen to the CD after she was already voice-less for 3 days after a panic attack. After only one session she was perfect."
~ Annemarie
Emotional High

"I have a number of your programs and I enjoy them all. One in particular I'd like to comment on is the Platinum Plus program called Emotional High. I think the music is breathtaking and it is one of my favorite musical scores."
~ T. C.
Positive Mental Attitude and Procrastinate No More
"About 13 yrs. ago I bought Positive Mental Attitude and Procrastinate No More. When I moved in 1989, just before Christmas, my trailer was broken into. One of the items stolen was my boom box with my positive thinking program in it. I've tried finding a store to replace my program but to no avail, I'm so pleased to have found you guys after all these years. (I don't think the person that took my boom box and program realized what it was. I wonder if there is a very positive thinking burglar out there. HA! HA!"
~ A.H.R.
End Self-Destructive Patterns
"First, praises to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for in my life, all things come from Him including this because I prayed for changes and the ability to move myself to the next level
"I have been using the programs for about 6 months now and I would like to thank you! Changes are so subtle, but I noticed that after ordering the End Self-Destructive Patterns program, I am able to push myself beyond the boundaries I have imposed upon myself—even in selecting a mate. I'm much more assured now that I deserve better in every area of my life and God is working to make this happen! My attitude has changed for the better. I even walk, talk and present myself totally different than before. I've always been considered a successful individual but those darn limitations kept me from reaching my real true goals. And you know something interesting—I'm realizing things about myself. I few days ago, I had an epiphany—my limitations are from fear and worry! You would think that someone as successful as myself would not have those things, but now I catch myself doing this quite often. I see now that this practice chips away at your ability to achieve things—sometimes even unrelated.

"Hi (again), I just wrote sort of a testimonial letter. I've been reflecting a lot lately about the subtle changes I mentioned prior, and I want to add one thing. I was so fascinated by what has happened in my life—my determination etc.—that I read the article The Truth About Subliminal Programs. I loved it! and you know what—I'm about 80 pounds overweight and my daughter is about 50. I bought the weight loss program a few months ago and I'd put it on for us to listen to while in the same room. Do you know she couldn't stand to listen to it just like mentioned in the article! Also, unlike my experiences with the other programs, I didn't particularly enjoy listening to it either. Now, mind you my weight issues go all the way back to early childhood and I knew that there was resistance (deep down). Do you know I conveniently misplaced that particular program—can't find it."
~ D.C., New York
Confidence and Esteem
"I use your OZO Soaring Self Confidence and Echo-Tech Self Esteem once a day. Wow, what a positive change they make in my life. After I listen, I notice that I can talk to people more easily without the former fear I had. People also seem friendlier, probably a result of the subliminal messages. Your programs are having a surprisingly pleasant and positive effect on me. Thank you again for your wonderful programs."
~ J.W.