Resolution Solutions ~ Album
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$ 314.55
Sale price$ 189.95
—Why is it so easy to fail at our resolutions? What happens to that firm resolve we have in the beginning, to finally make the changes we desire in our lives? Do we decide we really do not want the changes after all . . . or is there something else at play here?
The problem lies in our sub-conscious, or rather in the way we allow our subconscious to be programmed. New research shows that approximately 90% of our decisions are made in the subconscious and as much as 10 seconds before we consciously 'make' that decision! So if we are programmed to 'fail,' how can we expect anything else?
If we are programmed to 'fail,' how can we expect anything else?
Our patented InnerTalk technology has been shown to prime your self-talk, replacing the negative, self-destructive internal dialog with a new script—one that leads to a shift in self belief, which in turn, allows for the success that has previously eluded you.
This special Resolution Solutions collection will assist you in keeping your resolutions by:
Nine life changing audio programs on eight CDs, utilizing the patented and proven effective InnerTalk technology by Eldon Taylor.
OZO: End Procrastination and Self-Confidence.
Echo-Tech: Ending Self-Destructive Patterns.
InnerTalk: End Procrastination, Impulse Control, Enthusiastic and Motivated, Positive Mental Attitude, Goal Power, and Power of Intention
PLUS: Booklet with Quick Start/Affirmation Guide
For greatest ease and flexibility of use, all of the subliminal titles come in the nature format only.
"I decide. I decide now. I act. I act decisively. I have energy. I am energetic. I use my energy. I am positive. I am involved. I am motivated. I am a doer. I do it now. I make things happen. I like myself. I am confident. I calculate carefully. I make decisions. I put action into my decisions," etc.
"I feel good about myself. I exude sincerity and confidence. I am capable. I am positive. I can do it. I am relaxed. I am peaceful. I am confident. I look great. I feel great. I am happy. I like people. I am liked by people. I am calm. I act decisively. I am thoughtful. I am unafraid. I do my best," etc.
"Life is good. Living is a miracle. I am a miracle. I deserve the best. I deserve success. I believe in myself. I trust myself. I am confident. My abilities are awesome. I desire success. I desire the best. I am ready to succeed. I succeed now. I make success happen. I allow luck to assist me. I am lucky," etc.
"I am whole. I am enough. I am in control. I control my body. I control my thoughts. I cancel negative. I am positive. I control my emotions. I forgive myself. I forgive all others. I am forgiven. I respect myself. I respect all others," etc.
"I am positive. I am enthusiastic. I am motivated. I do. I do it now. I decide. I trust my decisions. I act. I follow through. I feel great. I love life. I think positively. I think enthusiastically. I make things happen. I am a doer. I can do anything. I am an achiever," etc.
"I am positive. I am capable. I can do anything. I like myself. I like others. Others like me. I think positively. I act positively. I expect only positive. My reality is positive. I have energy. I am motivated. I attract the positive. I exude positiveness. I am a winner. I take charge. I create my reality," etc.
"I set goals. I crystallize my thinking. My goals are realistic. I apply myself. I apply my best. I succeed. I accomplish my goals. I am confident. I am positive. Goal setting is fun. Goal setting is the first step towards realization. I realize my goals. I see my success. I see the achievement of my goals," etc.
"My mind is powerful. My thoughts are powerful. I can focus my thoughts. I can energize my thoughts. I empower only good thoughts to create. My creative thoughts are empowered by deliberate intention. I focus intention in my creative thoughts. It's easy to concentrate those thoughts with which I choose to create," etc.
For more sample affirmations for each of the programs included in this album, please see the individual titles in this catalog.
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InnerTalk subliminal self-help / self-improvement programs feature pleasant, easy-listening music or nature sounds that are specially mixed with positive background affirmations on the chosen self-help topic. InnerTalk programs are extremely easy to use. You can simply play them in the background on any regular stereo player while you are working, driving, relaxing, reading, playing sports, even sleeping or watching TV.* The InnerTalk subliminal technology is patented, proven and guaranteed. More Information
When your self-talk changes, so does the reality you experience!
*Please note: There are some obvious contraindications. You would not play a program such as High Energy while sleeping, or a program such as Sleep Soundly while driving.
OZO and Echo-Tech programs are designed for headphone use only. They consist of the InnerTalk subliminal affirmations, tones and frequencies (a mechanical way to get you into a more relaxed state and therefore more open to the affirmations) and audible coaching. On OZO the audible coaching is forceful and authoritarian whereas on Echo-Tech the audible coaching is soothing and supportive.
OZO and Echo-Tech programs should not be used when conscious attention is required, like with driving and operating machinery. More Information.
CD Album - A117CD
MP3 Album - A117E
MP3 Flash Drive - A117F
(For detailed information on our different technologies and how to use them, please visit our Technology Guide.)
InnerTalk subliminal programs can be played in the background as you go about your day and at night while you sleep. (*Please note: There are some obvious contraindications. You would not play a program such as High Energy while sleeping, or a program such as Sleep Soundly while driving.)
OZO, Echo-Tech, Platinum Plus, Power Imaging, and HPP programs require the use of headphones and focused attention. Do NOT use any of these technologies while driving or operating machinery.
OZO offers an after-burner authoritarian approach while Echo-Tech is soothing and supportive.
Power Imaging is a guided imagery/hypnosis program that assists you in discovering the cause of your issue and your personal solution.
Using several different sound technologies, Platinum Plus has been called a shortcut to the many years of training normally required to obtain states associated with advance meditation.
HPP programs use a double induction hypnosis process.
Video Entrainment programs do not require the use of headphones but still should not be used while driving or operating machinery. These programs. uses both audio and visual subliminal affirmations.
Libraries, Albums, Collections, and Sets combine several complementary titles and technologies. The more focused you are on a particular goal, the quicker you will achieve it.
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Please note that downloadable orders are non-returnable, non-exchangeable, and non-refundable. If you would like to make sure our technology works for you before purchasing, you may obtain a free copy of Forgiving and Letting Go by subscribing to our free InnerTalk InTouch e-newsletter.
We recommend you keep a backup copy of your orders as, after your initial order download, there is a nominal charge for new download urls. More info.
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