Blues (Overcoming the Blues) ~ Album
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$ 314.55
Sale price$ 189.95
— Are you feeling somewhat depressed and/or sad? Looking for something to inspire and lift you up? Everyone experiences the blues at some time. Now you can do something about it.
You deserve to know a strong sense of well-being
Oftentimes we can experience the blues following some difficult event such as the loss of a loved one, job difficulties, money problems, family issues or illness. According to psychologist Dr. Ben Martin, “Feeling down or feeling like you’ve got the blues is pretty common in today’s fast-paced society. People are more stressed than ever, working longer hours than ever, for less pay than ever. It is therefore natural to not feel 100% some days. That’s completely normal.”1 However, we also know that there are times we can experience the blues for no identifiable reason.
The good news is, you don't just have to put up with it and hope that is just passes. There is simply no reason to hold onto a state of mind that decays your worth and the quality of your experience. Changing the thoughts that reinforce your lethargic and blue mood will remove the cloud hanging over you and allow you to move into positive territory. The programs in Overcoming the Blues will make this process easy.
The fact is, you deserve to know a strong sense of well-being. Overcoming the Blues will raise your spirits and elevate your mood. You will gain a sense of serenity: peace, balance, and harmony.
1. Martin, B. 2020. "Depression vs The Blues." PsychCentral.
Echo-Tech: Stress Free,
OZO: Boundless Joy,
Power Imaging: Personal Peace,
Platinum Plus: On Fire with a Passion for Life,
InnerTalk: Up from Depression, Resolving Feelings of Loneliness and Isolation, Freedom from Fears, Optimism Plus, and Serenity.
For greatest ease and flexibility of use, all of the subliminal titles come in the nature format only.
"I am calm. I am relaxed. I am confident. I am stress free. I release stress. I release anxiety. I externalize stress. I desensitize stimuli. I breathe deeply. I have a proper perspective. I am in charge. I am in control. I am at peace with myself. I am at peace with the world around me. I am comfortable. I like myself. I like others. I love living. I like exercise. I exercise. I like relaxation. I relax regularly," etc.
"I live in now. Now is all there is. I have all I need now. I have high self-esteem. I am optimistic. I am positive. I am enthusiastic. I am whole. I am enough. I am good. I am liked. I am loving. I am loved. Life is a miracle. Life is fun. Life is a teacher. I improve. I grow. Every day in every way I learn. Every day in every way I improve. Every day in every way I succeed. I see good in all," etc.
"I am calm. I am relaxed. I am in control. I create my future. I am self responsible. I am patient. I am honest. I am peaceful. I am tranquil. I forgive myself. I forgive others. I am in control. I am positive. I am honest. I am responsible. I am happy. I am confident. I am capable. I can do anything. I am one with the Divine. Honesty is oneness. I live in oneness,," etc
"Life is a miracle. Every breath is a wonder. Every moment is infinitely divisible. Every person is important. Every day something new comes to me. Every day life becomes more wondrous. Life force is awesome. Life force is sacred. Living is so wondrous. I am in awe of life. I am in love with living. Every breath is more joy. I am passionate about life. I seize life's every moment. I take advantage of life to live the richness of its glory. I am a miracle. I meet every day with enthusiasm. I meet every day with excitement. I meet every day with gratitude. I meet every day with joy. I meet every day with awe," etc.
"I love life. I love living. I feel great. I laugh. I find humor. I am in control. I enjoy people. I enjoy myself. I am lucky. I am blessed. I am relaxed. I am calm. I choose happiness. I choose joy. Living is joyous. Life is great. I think positive. I feel positive. I am positive. I sense good in all. I see good in all. I forgive others. I forgive myself. I am forgiven. I contribute to life," etc.
"I care about my relationships. I build new relationships. I like people. I enjoy being with others. I enjoy writing friends. I stay in touch with my friends and family. I encourage friendships. Friendships are important to me. I engage with others. I attend events and make new friends. I go out of my way to help others. I feel good about myself. I am liked. I recognize when someone is being friendly. People care about me. People respect me. People like me. I am a good friend. I am capable. I enjoy my friends. I enjoy connecting with people." etc.
"I am confident. I am poised. I am judicious. I am relaxed. I am free of fear. I remain calm. I remain relaxed. I am in control. I remain in control. I retain control. I breathe deeply. I breathe regularly. I live in harmony. I am strong. I am courageous. I am brave. I control my inner environment. I am in charge of myself. I am unafraid," etc.
"I am healthy. I am young. I am strong. I am fit. I am powerful. I am positive. I am confident. I am enthused. I am motivated. I am loving. I am sharing. I am patient. I am honest and truthful. I am efficient and organized. I am comfortable. I am considerate. I am calm and relaxed. I am brilliant and capable. I am intuitive and creative. The mind, body and spirit are one," etc.
"I am relaxed. I am safe. I am calm. I remain calm and composed. LOVE is what I am. I am a gift. I am grateful for the gift. I am blessed. I accept the Divine plan. The Universe is purposeful. I am serene. I acknowledge the good in all. I am non-judgmental. I am caring and sharing. I am loving. I am compassionate. I am detached from worldly woes. I recognize the illusion. Only the eternal is real. I invest myself in the eternal. I am infinite wisdom. I am infinite composure. Serene and calm,," etc.
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InnerTalk subliminal self-help / self-improvement programs feature pleasant, easy-listening music or nature sounds that are specially mixed with positive background affirmations on the chosen self-help topic. InnerTalk programs are extremely easy to use. You can simply play them in the background on any regular stereo player while you are working, driving, relaxing, reading, playing sports, even sleeping or watching TV.* The InnerTalk subliminal technology is patented, proven and guaranteed. More Information
When your self-talk changes, so does the reality you experience!
*Please note: There are some obvious contraindications. You would not play a program such as High Energy while sleeping, or a program such as Sleep Soundly while driving.
OZO programs are designed for use once a day when there is time to just sit and relax, usually at the end of each day, and are designed for headphone use only. In addition to the InnerTalk subliminal affirmations, OZO also uses a special mix of three-dimensional sounds, tones and echo-effects that stimulate positive and highly receptive brain states. We refer to this as subliminal hypnosis.
Also featured is an audible narrator who provides powerful, and forceful, verbal coaching.
Many users report using OZO for its "kick-in-the-butt" approach.
The echoing effects and other sounds and tones, along with the three-dimensional sound patterns, help synchronize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, allowing the program to create powerful, long-lasting impressions that will make a big difference in your life! More Information.
Echo-Tech programs are designed for use once a day when there is time to just sit and relax, usually at the end of each day, and are designed for headphone use only. In addition to the InnerTalk subliminal affirmations, Echo-Tech also uses a special mix of three-dimensional sounds, tones and echo-effects that stimulate positive and highly receptive brain states. We refer to this as subliminal hypnosis.
Also featured is an audible narrator who provides powerful, but supportive, verbal coaching.
Many users report using Echo-Tech for its sense of warmth and love.
The echoing effects and other soothing sounds and tones, along with the three-dimensional sound patterns, help synchronize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, allowing the program to create powerful, long-lasting impressions that will make a big difference in your life! More Information.
Power Imaging combines the InnerTalk subliminal affirmations with a complex, audible, guided imagery program. Power Imaging does not simply create a scene where you picture yourself succeeding; it assumes an underlying reason for your previous inability to succeed and works at both uncovering the source of the problem and in discovering the solution.
Let Power Imaging take you on a true voyage of self-discovery!
Power Imaging audio hypnosis programs require 45 minutes of eyes-closed imagery sessions. Simply close your eyes, put your feet up and enjoy the experience. More Information.
Our Platinum Plus compact discs are designed for headphone only use.* They have been called a shortcut to the years and years of training normally required in order to obtain states associated with advance meditation. Platinum Plus provides an experience that will take you to new insights and adventures within. Platinum Plus includes the best of the best of cutting edge tools. More Information
The short cut to advance meditation!
*Please note: Platinum Plus should be played with headphones when conscious attention is not required. Do not use while driving or operating machinery.
CD Album - A163CD
MP3 Album - A163E
MP3 Flash Drive - A163F
(For detailed information on our different technologies and how to use them, please visit our Technology Guide.)
InnerTalk subliminal programs can be played in the background as you go about your day and at night while you sleep. (*Please note: There are some obvious contraindications. You would not play a program such as High Energy while sleeping, or a program such as Sleep Soundly while driving.)
OZO, Echo-Tech, Platinum Plus, Power Imaging, and HPP programs require the use of headphones and focused attention. Do NOT use any of these technologies while driving or operating machinery.
OZO offers an after-burner authoritarian approach while Echo-Tech is soothing and supportive.
Power Imaging is a guided imagery/hypnosis program that assists you in discovering the cause of your issue and your personal solution.
Using several different sound technologies, Platinum Plus has been called a shortcut to the many years of training normally required to obtain states associated with advance meditation.
HPP programs use a double induction hypnosis process.
Video Entrainment programs do not require the use of headphones but still should not be used while driving or operating machinery. These programs. uses both audio and visual subliminal affirmations.
Libraries, Albums, Collections, and Sets combine several complementary titles and technologies. The more focused you are on a particular goal, the quicker you will achieve it.
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Please note that downloadable orders are non-returnable, non-exchangeable, and non-refundable. If you would like to make sure our technology works for you before purchasing, you may obtain a free copy of Forgiving and Letting Go by subscribing to our free InnerTalk InTouch e-newsletter.
We recommend you keep a backup copy of your orders as, after your initial order download, there is a nominal charge for new download urls. More info.
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