(For detailed information on our different technologies and how to use them, please visit our Technology Guide.)
InnerTalk subliminal programs can be played in the background as you go about your day and at night while you sleep. (*Please note: There are some obvious contraindications. You would not play a program such as High Energy while sleeping, or a program such as Sleep Soundly while driving.)
OZO, Echo-Tech, Platinum Plus, Power Imaging, and HPP programs require the use of headphones and focused attention. Do NOT use any of these technologies while driving or operating machinery.
OZO offers an after-burner authoritarian approach while Echo-Tech is soothing and supportive.
Power Imaging is a guided imagery/hypnosis program that assists you in discovering the cause of your issue and your personal solution.
Using several different sound technologies, Platinum Plus has been called a shortcut to the many years of training normally required to obtain states associated with advance meditation.
HPP programs use a double induction hypnosis process.
Video Entrainment programs do not require the use of headphones but still should not be used while driving or operating machinery. These programs. uses both audio and visual subliminal affirmations.
Libraries, Albums, Collections, and Sets combine several complementary titles and technologies. The more focused you are on a particular goal, the quicker you will achieve it.